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07 - July 10, 2007
City of Auburn Planning Board
Tuesday, July 10, 2007 6:30 PM, MEMORIAL City Hall

Present: Sam Giangreco, Allen Zentner, John Breanick, Mark DiVietro, Jill Fudo, Anthony Bartolotta

Absent: Laurie Michelman

Staff:  Stephen Selvek, Planner; Tom Weed, APD; Brian Hicks, Sr. Code Enforcement Officer

John Breanick is the Acting Chair.

The Chair called the meeting to order.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and roll was called.  

Agenda Item 1:  Minutes of April 3, 2007 and May 1, 2007.

Chair asks for a motion to approve the minutes of April 3, 2007. Motion made by Sam Giangreco, seconded by Mark DiVietro. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Chair asks for a motion to approve the minutes of May 2, 2007. Motion made by Mark DiVietro, seconded by Jill Fudo. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 2: Public Hearing for 70 Arterial East for the construction of a 9’ x 11’ drive-up ATM to be located adjacent to the existing parking along Seymour St.

Chair invites the owner or agent to speak.

Jim Reynolds of Empower Federal Credit Union – the drive-thru ATM will be in the parking lot. We are looking into a partnership with the Cayuga County School Employees Credit Union so both may have access.  We know traffic may be a problem and have determined that there will be a 1% increase in traffic.  Julian Clark of Plumbly Engineering has provided traffic counts from other ATM’s in the area similar to this. The highest daily count was 74 compared to the DOT’s resulting in an increase of 1% using the Franklin St. access.  OPED and APD have been made aware.

Sylvia Hurlbut of Cayuga County School Employees Credit Union. We do not have a location for an ATM and have been looking for a long time. This is one reason we’ve joined Empower, to have this access. We encourage you to allow it.

Chair closes this portion of the Public Hearing and asks the Board for questions.

Allen Zentner – questions the orientation of the cars, it looks as though the passenger side will be at the ATM. The plans should be revised.

Sam Giangreco – to clarify, the front of the vehicle will be toward Franklin St.  Verifies traffic flow.

Julian Clark – that is correct.

Sam Giangreco – the sign is 22 feet high?

Julian Clark – that is the existing Byrne Dairy sign

Sam Giangreco- will you have any signs?

Julian Clark – just the one on the kiosk itself.

Mark DiVietro – is there any striping on the pavement.

Julian Clark – no

John Breanick – are you amenable to marking it out?

Julian Clark – yes

John Breanick – will Byrne Dairy allow it?

Julian Clark – we will work with them.

Anthony Bartolotta – questions the distance from the curbed are under the canopy to the kiosk curbing.

Julian Clark – 15’

John Breanick – is it a safe distance between where the cars will be?

Julian Clark – yes, 5 – 6’

Jill Fudo – now that we see the cars are actually going in the opposite direction than what’s on the plan there is a big difference.  I’m concerned with the traffic coming on & off the Arterial in relation to the ATM traffic, concerned with the traffic flow.  Directional clarification is needed for the ATM. Not everyone is familiar with the site.

Dan Carol of Empower FCU – what type of signage are you looking for?

Jill Fudo – directional arrows to the ATM, a sign stating where it is located, striping in the area involved.  Also concerned that people in a queue will be parking people into the spaces behind it.  Also, as there is no other Empower FCU branch available the traffic numbers may be skewed.

Chair asks for staff comments.

Steve Selvek – in regards to SEQR this is a Type II action and SEQR is not required by NYS.  The signage proposed falls within requirements and does not require variances.  APD Chief is concerned about the traffic.  The analysis done from a logical standpoint makes sense.  1% increase is usually minimal although the Chief is still concerned with the way the intersection is. He wants a detailed traffic study done here.  The current study gives a good viewpoint to start.  The overall size of the machine itself sits lover than Franklin St., vegetation is already there to provide screening. Other versions of the machines by the same manufacturer are smaller than what is proposed.  Is there any concern from the Board other than the internal traffic flow?

Sam Giangreco – questions Tom Weed on the three 3-way intersection.

Tom Weed – don’t really know how it will turn out.

Sam Giangreco – sees concern, probably worth checking in to. Like the idea of the ATM but has concerns with the traffic and the size.

John Breanick – is a size change suggested?

Dan Carol – without knowing the specific model you are talking about, ½ the machine is to house the mechanism and money.  In this one the money is locked within the building involving security issues also.  This model is serviced from the exterior, not the interior.

Steve Selvek – this is just for consideration, not mandatory.

John Breanick – questions lighting.

Dan Carol – not required on this site, plenty from that provide by Byrne Dairy. There are lights on the machine only.

John Breanick – good starting point to look at directional markings and sign. There are no directional markings currently. Asks the Board how they wish to proceed.

Sam Giangreco – look at the traffic situation and see what the Chief has in mind.

Tom Weed – I haven’t spoken with him since this new plan came out.

Julian Clark – if a report shows the intersection to be at failure level will this be denied or do we have to mitigate the problem?

Steve Selvek – It will be up to the Chief to decide what he wants after looking at this new plan.

Sam Giangreco – we need to make sure the set up is safe.

Julian Clark – if we thought this would cause a heavy impact we’d understand.

Sam Giangreco – you would be amenable to directional flow?

Julian Clark – on site yes, we will work with Byrne Dairy.

John Breanick – any ideas to help with the traffic?

Tom Weed – not til I speak with the Chief.

Steve Selvek – the applicant hired an independent professionally licensed engineer stating minimum impact. It is up to the Board to weigh concerns with what has been done.

Jill Fudo – Does Byrne Dairy have an ATM inside?

Tom Weed – yes

Jill Fudo – how will another ATM change vehicular traffic on and off site? The impact will be minimal.

Anthony Bartolotta – questions the number of members.

Dan Carol – 1500

John Breanick – also look at using a smaller machine. No decision needed now.

Steve Selvek – the purpose was to allow the Board to explore options if the visual impact was a concern even with screening.

Sam Giangreco – as a safety factor proper markings would be the biggest plus. I don’t think there will be much more traffic impact and the area seems well screened.

Allen Zentner – are there any heavy days?

Dan Carol – probably pay days.

John Breanick – the developer is making a good faith effort but the Chief needs to look at it so table it or give preliminary tonight.

Mark DiVietro – would like to hear the Chief’s decision.

Jill Fudo – agrees.

Anthony Bartolotta – would like a review of the markings and the Chief’s comments.

Allen Zentner – agrees.

Sam Giangreco – agrees

John Breanick – asks for a motion to approve the site plan pending the items that have been discussed.

Steve Selvek – 1) the required striping and some minimal signage and 2) preparation of a detailed traffic analysis as APD Chief requests.

Dan Carol – does not see the point of an extensive traffic analysis of a failed intersection.

Steve Selvek – it hasn’t been disclosed how to mitigate.

Dan Carol – we can’t make the traffic problem go away. We don’t know what he wants and we need to before proceeding.

Tom Weed – a conversation with the Chief this morning showed he is concerned with the Franklin St. access. He’s not looking for a light.

John Breanick – the Board is looking that the situation not be significantly increased.

Julian Clark  - then is the direction of the Board to have a full analysis done?

Sam Giangreco – there is not that much of an impact, let’s get it done. Would guess most people would not be using it at the same time.

Jill Fudo – leave to the discretion of the Chief to talk to the developer. Does he understand the implications of a current study?

Steve Selvek – options are to:
·       Table
·       Give preliminary approval
·       Approve a final showing new traffic circulation
·       Approve with conditions such as two directions signs at entrance and stripe out queuing lanes and work with the Chief to mitigate any real or perceived problems at Franklin St. access.

Sam Giangreco – approval with conditions can’t expect them to improve a problem that’s always been there.

Allen Zentner – preliminary approval and speaking with the Chief

Mark DiVietro - preliminary approval and speaking with the Chief. Does not think full traffic analysis is needed.

Jill Fudo – agrees

Anthony Bartolotta – agrees

John Breanick – agrees also. Implement conditions. How long will it take to install?

Dan Carol – 6 weeks to receive the machine and 48 hours to install.

John Breanick – so there is still time in your schedule.

Motion for preliminary approval pending items discussed made by Mark DiVietro, seconded by Anthony Bartolotta. All members vote approval except Sam Giangreco who thinks full approval should be given. Motion carried.

John Breanick – asks about a car dealer on Columbus St.

Steve Selvek – still using the site as previous. No permits have been issued yet.

John Breanick – anything on the connector road?

Steve Selvek – no

Motion for adjournment made by Sam Giangreco, seconded by Jill Fudo.  All members vote approval. Meeting adjourned.